

BMW History

Founded the company BMW officially in 1914, but the assets the real establishment of the company name back to 1880 when the company was funded to the German air force at that time and is both Carl and Gustavo Otto founding the first two of this company, the company began manufacturing aircraft engines in the early years of its establishment in 1923 has produced motorcycles and in 1929 began manufacturing cars, the company's logo is a blue circle and the black and white logo is the parent company did not change ever since inception.
And enjoy the car company BMW proven techniques of high-strength and speed The company the first to technologies, and many of the techniques the company lacks the other companies in the automotive world, but discourages people from purchasing them for being expensive and may not be able to purchase only the rich and businessmen, and more businessmen preferred the cars made in German, such as a company Mercedes, Opel and Evidence BMW
Better understanding of the BMW today you have to know the BMW and understanding of history. The last century, gives the "flavor" of BMW cars today, the component that makes them so special. This "exceptional" can not be considered nearly the soul of the people. BMW does not let her personal care and a sense of leadership, and therefore the slogan "driving machine in the end". This creates a bond between driver and car that may last for a lifetime.
These three letters stand for magic bayerische motoren the job, or in English, and works for the Bavarian car. "Cars" is the essence of this manual is the basis and; Home BMW part built around each product.
Bmwdrives invites you to be a part of this amazing journey and you will find out the story that lies behind the BMW.
1913 It all started with a man who was Karl Friedrich RAPP in October 1913. Not everyone knows that BMW began manufacturing aircraft engines. RAPP creates "RAPP - motorenwerke" in the past in a bicycle factory, near Munich. He start his own manufacturing aircraft engines, but unfortunately experienced problems with the form of vibrations. RAPP close to the factory, Gustav Otto, son of the inventor of the four stroke internal combustion engine, and establish a small business building aircraft. Otto is a great success with "Gustav flugmaschinefabrik".
1 916 RAPP motoren job had problems with the reliability of the engines. The insurance contract with Austro-Daimler, and was unable to meet the demands of the construction v12 Aero engines under license. The company quickly expanded, and Carl Friedrich RAPP 1916 he resigned from the company due to financial problems. The company was taken over by the two Austrians - Franz Josef Popp and Max Fritz supported by the taxpayer Vienna, camillo castiglioni. Were able to convince the Gustav Otto "Gustav flugmaschinefabrik" merge with "RAPP - motorenwerke". Together they constitute bayerische flugzeug - working or bfw, in English, "the Bavarian-powered planes." And shortly thereafter changed its name to BMW in 1918 and become BMW AG) German Aktiengesellschaft term means that the company limited by shares, no shareholder owned. May be traded stocks in the market. This term is used in Germany and Austria, and Switzerland. American is the equivalent of the term "Public Company", and admire the company we know today.
1917 In 1917, BMW's first aircraft engine, and the type iiia, go to the production stage. It is water-cooled six-cylinder inline engine, features a unique "high-altitude Carburetor" prepared by Fritz, which allow it to develop full power on the rise.
1918 In 1918, and this engine to generate a plane to the height of 5000 meters in 29 minutes. Performance was excellent for those days, which led to strong demand for BMW engines.
1919 In 1919 to replace the engine generates. It is natural that his name type IV. With this engine, Franz Zeno diemer sets record high 9760 meters (32013 feet). 1920
BMW logo current work began in early 1920, was built on the circular design of an aircraft fan.
Comes the First World War put an end to the Treaty of Versailles signed by BMW, which prohibits building aircraft engines. Production shift for the construction of air brakes for railroad cars.
Periodical Slipstream - important BMW logo
1 920 Under these circumstances, that the company had to think for other products and building a bike BMW engine start. In 1920, stolle and Martin Max friz engine design with 15 square meters for the "Victoria" motorcycle from Nuremberg. It was the first engine BMW motorcycle and have been produced from 1922 to the 1920's.
1921 BMW's first motorcycle called "flink" and see the light in 1921. Was powered by kurier two-stroke engine.
1922 1922 another milestone in the history of BMW. The first factory BMW based on site neulerchenfeldstrasse-Otto old aircraft factory - the current near the compound in the Olympic Day in Munich.
1923 Because BMW motorcycles had earlier suspended the problems they could not sell a lot. Even begin to develop "r32" motorcycle, which was the first BMW motorcycle sale in reference to the value (3100 Until 1926 Tour). BMW motorcycle r32, the reasons for a strong impression in the world, the first in Berlin in 1923 and show cars. With r32, BMW succeed in the transition to vehicles, even before the development of cars. This is the date the moment of the BMW engine boxer begins and continues until this day. A top speed of 2 - This cylinder 494cc motorcycle about 59 mph (95 km).
1924 In 1924 we can witness the first intercontinental flight to Persia, backed by BMW engines.
1925 After one year, 1925, r37 motorcycle outputs twice the power of information technology advances: 16 bhp from 500 cm ³ engine. Motorcycle that provides the foundation for BMW race machines and makes it a brand well-known motorcycle all over the world. The result: from 1924 to 1929, all the German Bundesliga at 500 Country Coordinating Mechanism is a category which was won by BMW.
1926 BMW remains a leading position in the aviation industry. The same commitment, innovation and perfection is a reward of five world records for the Seventh Roo rohrbach seaplane engine with BMW VI.
1927 BMW retains the same frequency and other aviation occurred in the world and recorded in the next year, 1927. Out of 87 in the world aviation records, 29 of them with a group of BMW engines.
1928 1928 marks the beginning of the conditions contained in a BMW. BMW buy car factory in Eisenach / Thuringia and with a license to build a small car called DIXI 3 / 15. If the BMW DIXI competition for the Austin 7. BMW DIXI, the S / 1) da standing for Deutsche ausfuhrung) is essentially the German version. First dixis used open roof and were powered by 743cc 4-cylinder engine producing 15 horsepower. Top speed was within the limits of 50 mph (80 km). The DIXI 3 / 15 Note: built under license from Austin, though essentially the same model the U.S. Bantam and the former name of Japan's Nissan Motor Company. In 1929 launched a new improved version, S / 2, which were used in each of the steel and 4 - wheel brakes, and DIXI in 1930, has scored his first win in a race car. Total production: 18.976 units. 1930
1932 BMW until 1932 for the sale runs well from the air cooled radial engine thanks to its excellent power to weight ratio. And earn 6000 miles in the Alps during the four-nation assembly.
A new model of BMW car that launched in 1932. It is called the 3/20ps. Powerplant was the 782cc 4 cylinder unit that has emerged suspended, valves and double chain drive camshafts, producing 20 horsepower at 3500 rpm and providing salon with a top speed of 50 mph. The first model for the development of the Faculty of BMW in Munich, also known as BMW 4:00 (ausfuhrung munchen 4 gange-speed Munich Version 4). With this car BMW win concours d 'elegance in Baden - Baden.
1933 The following year, 1933, marking the introduction of the 303 saloon and the first BMW inline-six cylinder power unit, to remain until the configuration of the BMW vehicles today. Designed by Fritz fiedler, 303 series engine has driven camshaft, and rocker arms with pushrods to the vertical overhead valves. The transmission of a new 6 - BMW 303 cylinder engine was designed by Rudolph schleicher. 303 was also the first BMW to use a double radiator in the form of macro networks, another brand current. Using a framework of welded steel tubular, and independent suspension front rack and pinion steering, 303 was the standard in technological advances. Its 1173cc engine provided 30 horsepower and a top speed of 56 mph (90 km / h). 1950
The 250 copies to the extent imposed by the Allies had been lifted. BMW produced the first motorcycle with boxer engine; between 500 copies to r51 / 2. This is followed in 1951 by r51 / 3 y 67, with options / 2 / 3 boasting 600 cc engines. With the demand far exceeds supply, this bike is the loss of sales success.
1951 I kind of car and after the war ended, V8 equipped 501 luxury sedan produced in 1951 production was the poor choice of the country was also devastated by war. The decline in demand for 501 and did not even com e close to meeting BMW expectations. With the Eisenach plant now under Soviet control, which is also the first BMW vehicle to be built entirely in Munich. 500 - series cars may not be the BMW products, the most glamorous, but these are big and strong middle class is the mainstay of the machines from the company's car division from 1951 until 1964. Was nicknamed barockengel-cost angels - because the shape and flowing lines look like carved wooden figures contained in the southern German, Austrian and churches again in the Baroque period. From 1954 onwards, and was joined by 502, which has the world's first light V8 - alloy engine.
1952 Between 1952 and 1954, BMW produced exceptionally fast BMW r68, able to do about 160 km / h in top gear. This copy to 600 motorcycle with 35 hp, it set a new standard for decision bikes. Sale in 4000 DM, and exclusivity is also an integral part of this motorcycle also, as only 1452 were built than ever before. BMW motorcycle production has increased from 10000 to 30000 units.
1954 After three years, BMW has resumed production of passenger cars, the first in the world - all aluminum V8 engine into production in 1954 in Munich. - The smooth operation of this piece of device that combines power and silence, which first produced 100 horsepower and can the BMW 502 to the speed of 160 km / H. The BMW 507 at a later date can be up to 220 km / H. In 1954, BMW creates a search engine to build a facility in allach plant, which survived the war unharmed. In 1957, it becomes triebwerkbau BMW GmbH. Company man buys 50% of the company in 1960. Under license from lycoming, begins production of the company with the 264 hp six-cylinder boxer engine. It also makes gas turbines for small light aircraft, and constant use.
BMW is a sidecar motorcycle world champion and remained until the next twenty years.
1955 BMW in 1955 and won the hearts of the audience isetta. Only 2.29 m long, the company gets a license to build motocoupé of the International Organization for Standardization in Italy. Powered by 12 or 13 000 hp BMW engine motorcycle, more than 160000 people buy isetta in the fifties, making it the most popular BMW of the contract and a symbol of the boom years after the war.
1956 The full swing - arm comment on r50, r60 r69 and take the market by storm. Slide Swing - arm of the front wheel and the suspension of a long-arm rear wheel bearing end bikes BMW previously unattained levels of stability. Bubble motorcycle, but he seems to have exploded: the number of motorcycles BMW produced reductions in 30000 in 1954 to just 5400 in 1957. Wilhelm Noll sets new world record 280.2 km / H. From a standing start, and he said amounted to 139 km / hour after one km and 166 km / hour after one mile. His average speed in miles after five hours in a 266 km / H. 1956
1957 The 507 is probably the most classic BMW is recognized on a large scale from the fifties. It is also great competition Mercedes 300sl, is inspired from the U.S. importer Max Hoffman, the BMW and he could sell high-performance sports cars in large amounts if the company can offer. Design in less than a year before Albrecht goertz, BMW 507 sports car is a very exclusive: only a total of 252 adoption. Most of the work that is carried out by hand, which is designed specifically for the customer to meet all the wishes of the buyer. Its timeless good looks, with a sleek silhouette, flexible curves and youth with expansive, and guarantee that it remains the embodiment of the dream car to this day. Power unit at the time the new 150 hp V8 3.2 liter of 502 super, in addition to 10 horsepower.
1958 Design of the black and the following, the BMW 600 was intended to isetta expanded with three more powerful bus and more traditional four-wheel drive configuration. Interface of the almost unchanged and was 600 of isetta, but the wheelbase was held to accommodate 600 pressure on the four seats. 1958
Ernest Hilaire, riding a BMW, Wins Austrian Grand Prix.
1959 Herbert Quandt taxpayer gets a large number of the shares of the BMW and then begin the process of reorganization of the company, leading to independence. Majority of the shares, Quandt is the first member of the Advisory Board at a later time and sits on the supervisory board, which contributes significantly to the rise of BMW as a company of global importance. After sustaining heavy financial losses in the sector limousine, and integration with Daimler - Benz is planned. But the president of the Board of Directors Kurt golda side by side with the workforce and trade unions, and convinced the majority shareholder Herbert Quandt that BMW has in the future. Quandt Daimler - Benz rejects the offer made at the last moment. This form of the 700 BMW, which was placed on his feet again. It is the first vehicle for a unified body: floor, side walls and roof are welded to a cell occupied.

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