

Volkswagen History

Everyone knows that VW and the German mark, but Is there anyone who knows its history and design of established brand? There are very well aware of the establishment, but who knows designer brand However, I will introduce the company About this prestigious

Has not received a car in the world what voters were small beetle "Beatles" of admiration and appreciation. Valknevsa still hold people in various parts of the world on four wheels to this day. The "Beatles", which is the most vehicle produced by Volkswagen Foundation for the auto industry a good start on this giant German company, which has become in the post-World War II and one of the main pillars of German economic miracle.

The word "Volkswagen" (Volkswagen) literally in German: people's car. The idea occurred to the car when the German Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler's idea of the possible presence of a car cheap popularity by everyone within reach. The architect of the twentieth century, Ferdinand Porsche was the dream of car design acceptable performance and reasonable price. Porsche but was unsuccessful in obtaining financial support for making his dream car as a result of many things, including the different objectives between him and the owners of capital. As the dreams and aspirations of the Porsche line with the objectives of Hitler, it was agreed that cooperation between the Porsche at the time, "VW" and the Nazi authorities, to become the products of this company later when Hitler's favorite car. Production began in 1939, the car that was later known as Baknevsa but soon stopped because of World War II. After the fall of Germany in the hands of Allied troops took over the British company. Following the introduction of car factories for sale Volkswagen began production again in 1945.

In 1996, Volkswagen became the fourth largest automotive manufacturer in the world. Continued economic prosperity of the company and continued with the invasion of German cars with high quality of the world markets. Therefore, Volkswagen opened branches in several countries such as Brazil, Australia, France and the United States of America and has become one of the largest global corporations with shares precious. Then continued the line of Volkswagen auto industry innovation. Where the car was manufactured Lobo followed polo, golf, Patel and New Bora and Passat Compact and other German cars with good reputation. All these historical facts are agreed upon. The famous brand of the Volkswagen was and is still in question. No one knows who is the lens. Jokes of the things that the old pyramid in the eighties of the age claimed recently that the design of the brand.

The Old Man and the beetle
Nicholas Burg, an old woman eighty years of age not in the area of Tyrol, Austria. Insists that the old man injured in heart disease that is a sign which is designed Volkswagen Commercial famous, so in 1939 he said. The Volkswagen Foundation, headquartered in Wolfsburg, emphasizes that the commercial logo has been taken of the Porsche and that he had first used in 1938. Therefore, in order to invoke Borg to the law and has filed a lawsuit before the Court of Vinna business, in order to be able to prove his claims.

Litigation Tarif
In their petition alleged by Mr. Borg said he had received a mandate from Wertz Todt, Minister of Labour in the Third Reich, the design is a trademark of Volkswagen factories that were still under construction at that time. The spokesman for the Volkswagen Foundation confirms that the allegations have no basis in reality, since the commercial slogan, which claims that the Borg, the design in 1939 was used in 1938. And VW insists that the designer brand is unknown.

There is no way to reconcile what
As far as comments Mainhard Sersa lawyer Borg no real opportunity to reconcile the friendly between his client and Volkswagen. The offer made by Volkswagen to Mr. Burg and the inclusion of his claim to the company's historical archives for the Borg is little in the words of his lawyer. So I made the Volkswagen Foundation the end of January last another symptom is the friendly conversation between Mr. Burg, and historians of Volkswagen in Wolfsburg to persuade him to truth of the matter. However, Burg did not attend to the foundation's headquarters in Wolfsburg, despite the approval of the convening of this meeting. "We are waiting for reactions since then," according to a spokesman for the company.

The cause of action, non-profit
Has been canceled due to be considered in the case on Tuesday due to the illness Nicholas Borg, who suffers from severe health crises. According to counsel "does not want my clients money and we just want to be recognized ownership of intellectual tag Volkswagen commercial." He says the prosecutor: "Mr. Borg wishes with all his heart that this is proof of the historical fact that we do not claim Euro one way of compensation." And in case the Borg in the case of proof of ownership of intellectual Flux against Volkswagen would have to be submitted in the recent joint press statement as a sign designer Volkswagen global trade.

The first trip by car and is powered by natural gas Rainer Zelino end of his trip around the world, Volkswagen car, which Cade called Ecofuel World Tour, where he was the target of the trip by car to travel around the world, Volkswagen Caddy and demonstrate the importance and benefits of the presence of natural gas. Route: The team Kadi within six months tour around the world cut off a distance of 5000 kilometers traveled five continents. It started in October in Hanover and then to pass with 45 countries around the world
Guinness Book of Records: The objective of Zelino Rainer and his team to enter the Guinness Book Record through travel to five continents and visit 45 countries without interruption To make sure that the car Alcadikd The mission of natural gas only where the team shut down your gasoline tank.
Choose a vehicle: Chosen on the car for Volkswagen Cade darker confidence in the brand, making it very reliable in his trip, a natural gas power 109 hp and 2000 cc. It was during the trip car service more than 32 natural gas stations around the world. That, too, was one of the objectives of the trip is to prove the availability of natural gas in all parts of the world.
Has proven natural gas that Inbosath of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases, much lower than any other fuel. The first round around the world and even to Germany after five months on the road on five different continents.
Kadi, who drew Anatbap the world were on display at the gallery AMI in Leipzig. The more clearly we can say that the car was Kadi optimized for such an adventure. The route began in Cologne, where the work of the press were closed completely and Tank car full of natural gas.
From Cologne to Vienna and was an arduous journey and then to Kortejy and another night on the road and the distance was too far to the outskirts of the level in Parma, Italy .. A car entered the workshop and to conduct a maintenance Alatzmp it before continuing the journey to the heart of Europe. The next phase, Greece - Patras, and Turkey and there have faced several problems due to ice storms, but there have been successful and then headed from Turkey to Syria and then Jordan and to Egypt after crossing the Searo Mount Sinai, where the road was the most difficult ways in which they faced before. As they were not the streets are paved and interviewed a lot of sand storms, but arrived to Cairo, where he held a conference devoted to car Cady was hosted by Minister of Petroleum Sameh Fahmi and then there was a visit to the Under-Volkswagen Egypt Company Egyptian commercial and Automotive cross where the agent arranged a press conference for a total of
Then came the Tehran Station and return to Amman and then to Damascus and then to Diyarbakir in Turkey and then to the borders of Iran. And Dubai, where they visited the Under-Volkswagen as well. From Dubai to Karachi, Pakistan, and Lahore Vdelhi then Bombay, India, Thailand and Kowalalambo then on to Australia by plane. There, they driving through the desert and then to Sydney. Then they boarded a plane to Chile to Buenos Aires in Argentina heading to Brazil. And from Brazil to Mexico, then the USA, there was the time has ended to return to Germany.

And here I'll put some cars on a simplified explanation of each one

First, the beetle

"The beauty of the scenery and beauty of design and solid construction," was the slogan of Ferdinand Porsche German car inventor of the famous beetle. Today Imrakther than 70 years on the design of the car legend, which is still a unique phenomenon in spite of a sharp decline in production.
Presented to the public after the car was able to "beetle" to achieve record sales worldwide, this car that Volkswagen has worked on the design and manufacture, where she had the car a light luster of your record-breaking sales. Where it was produced nearly 22 million units of this unique type since 1945. But the story of "Volkswagen Beetle" began in 1934, where the Government of the Third Reich at the time hired Ferdinand Porsche designed a car Volkswagen. After one year from this date ie on July 3, 1935 has been the first car of this model with engines Besbabat Air Force 22 hp.
Special Features
Were not the car, "beetle" just a car, but a symbol of Germany. She was born in the Nazi period and became then a sign of the German economy upward, and then the new generation boasted of owning this vehicle, which came in after the film world in Holly Wood, and formed the foundation stone for Volkswagen the world's leading car to this day. The idea of Ferdinand Porsche, the father of this type of vehicles, vehicle processing and to be easily installed light weight and consumption of a few. After three years of the First Show of this vehicle by Adolf Hitler laid the foundation stone of the Volkswagen in the Valrzlepn and then to build the city of Wolfsburg to become headquarters for the company to this day.
Real success after the war
Volsburg city were not in the Nazi era factories for the production of car-domed wonderful, but for the manufacture and production of military vehicles of the armies of Hitler at that time. But after the Second World War were destroyed factory Volkswagen and other factories and companies to become just the ruins. Fortunately for "beetle" Discover English beauty, prompting them to work to restart the factory, which was housed in the former more than 18 thousand workers. Proved to be a "beetle" merits later where the car was manufactured million in 1955 and then reached a value of 4000 DM. In 1972 this vehicle became the leading cars in the world.
Beginning of the end of each
I took the car "Beetle" falling slowly in the percentage of sales, given the high cost of production in Germany. And in 1978 was the beginning of the end for these type of vehicles, with further production of "beetle" in the factory city of Emden, Germany. As a result, Volkswagen has shut down production of "beetle" in the foreign factory gradually, but in a factory in Puebla, Mexico, where there is, since 2003, producing only 50 cars from the car, "beetle"

And here is not true and it is
The old Beetle was produced until the day before yesterday I and that for the first time in 70 years depends Volkswagen factory in Mexico for the production of this legendary car. The beetles 'Beetle' is the most popular vehicle sold in all parts of the world has sold more than 21.5 million units since its introduction for the first time in .1939 final consignment of production factory 'Puebla' in Mexico is number 3000 car blue and beige, according to contracts earlier. The car was a beetle has become well-known after World War II, but it did not enter Mexico, but in 1954 and became a first car until it has been the opening of a manufacturing plant in Puebla in .1964 then decided Volkswagen halt the production of the beetle in Europe that was in 1978, but The company's factories in South Africa, Brazil and Mexico continued to collect the car until he was suspended Factory South Africa in 1979 and Brazil plant in 1986,. He chose a group of auto makers in 1991 as a Beetle car of the twentieth century, surpassing the car Ford Model T.

Secondly, the modern generation
Volkswagen Jetta Sedan S

Engine power: 170 hp @ 5000rpm Gearbox: 6 .5 automatic manual Price: $ 16,990

Volkswagen Touareg V10 TDI

Engine power: 310 hp @ 3750 rpm Gearbox: 6 automatic Price: $ 59.140

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